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2018-05-29 SB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– May 29, 2018 – 7:30 PM– Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk & Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian. Karen Cruise absent

7:31 PM  Richy opened the meeting in the Town Hall Annex.

Minutes – On a motion by Edie, seconded by Richy, the minutes for May 9th, 14th, 15th, and 16th, were approved, without releasing the May 14th executive session minutes.

Community Compact IT Grant – Discussion on the grant being important and beneficial to the Town.

ACTION:  On a motion made by Richy, seconded by Edie, the board voted all in favor to authorize the town administrator to sign the Community Compact Grant for an integrated municipal financial software.

Cemetery Deed Sale – Mr. & Mrs. Nash are seeking to purchase two lots in South Cemetery.

ACTION:  On a motion made by Richy, seconded by Edie, the board voted all in favor to sell lots 100 & 101 at South Cemetery to Mr. Richard & Mrs. Linda Nash, for the amount of $1,200.

Accept letters of resignation & post positions – The Board expressed thanks for all the work by Mr. John Shipman, Ms. Karen Cruise and Ms. Linda Farineau.

ACTION:  On a motion made by Edie, seconded by Richy, the board voted all in favor to accept the letters of resignation from Ms. Karen Cruise from the Facilities Steering Committee, Mr. John Shipman from the Advisory Committee, and Ms. Linda Farineau as the Council on Aging Director.

Appointment Process finalize letters – The board discussed the draft letters prepared by Edie and agreed on some minor changes to the letters.

ACTION:  On a motion made by Edie, seconded by Richy, the board voted all in favor to approve the new forms for “Expiring Term Reminders” and “Committee Volunteer Application”.

Ambulance Services Base Rate – Board decided to consider this issue at their June 6, SB meeting, after brief discussion.

Facilities Steering Committee Update – It was suggested that it may be beneficial to meet briefly with the FSC to discuss next steps. Nina left the meeting momentarily and asked the FSC, who were meeting next door, to join the Selectboard meeting when it was convenient for them. Three members joined the S.B.—Steve Mirick, Mary Jo Wojtusik and Larry Todd. On June 25, a ballot election will be held to approve a debt exclusion for borrowing funds to construct a public safety complex, as required by the article which passed at ATM that approved the project. The group considered ways to encourage residents to vote, communicating the importance of the issue via Town news, the website, letters to the editor and possibly a generic reminder on Nextdoor.
                Group discussed future status of the FSC, and determined a definite need for some form of committee oversight of the stabilization projects at Bagg Hall and the Annex, as well as public safety. Several different committees were suggested, for both short term construction projects and long-term facilities maintenance planning.
To focus on building committees, S.B. and FSC will meet after June 25 when approval of funding—or lack of it—may dictate different options.

Leasing space for COA – M.G.L. c. 30B, §16 allows a governmental body to provide a written determination on why a particular location has unique qualities or location, which would allow the town to waive the advertisement/bidding requirement. S.B. considered a Determination “of uniqueness” document which waives the procurement requirement to advertise for finding leased space for the COA. It contends that only one space in town—the former Sonoma at Post Office Place--is ideal and available for COA use.

ACTION:  S.B. voted all in favor to adopt the Determination in leasing the former Sonoma space for the COA.

Mechanics Hall - The ATM vote to sell Mechanics Hall received some interest from a local chiropractor and he wants to see the interior space.

        ACTION:  The board voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to arrange a tour of Mechanics Hall.

Parks & Rec revolving fund – Board reviewed a Parks & Recreation budget memo & table, relating to the maintenance of Krashes Field, submitted by Director Hollie Lucht.

T.A. Report -- Nina reported focusing on finalizing the Route 140 right of way acquisition process, as well as the purchase of fire trucks and the CoA lease, given the time sensitivity of all three projects. Afterwards, she will be focusing on stabilization of Bagg Hall and Annex and identifying steps to take for sale of tax-title possessions of the town. She noted that one part of the process is spelled out in MGL Chapt. 30B Manual: Chapt. 8 on dispositions and will raise the subject during Goal Setting sessions. The Mechanics Hall committee charge, and a timeline for action, will also be considered during goal sessions. Nina and Richy agreed to begin focusing on specifics of a charge. Also, the two will also be meeting with DEP in Worcester over the Mechanics Hall well.

Adjourn    8:55 PM

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, T.A. & Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Letters of resignation from Mr. John Shipman, Ms. Karen Cruise and Ms. Linda Farineau; proposal from Vadar software firm under consideration for Community Compact IT Grant, draft letters prepared by Edie for committee appointments; Letter from Ed Cichon on Radford Road and email from Dep. Fire Chief Tim Kelly regarding ambulance fees; Determination document; Letter from Mike Morgan regarding business location at Mechanics Hall; Parks & Rec operating budget memo/charts.